What Readers Say

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This comment about me was on Rate My Professors and too good not to share

Student on Rate My Professors, about Ashok Karra: "Very kind and caring professor. Lecture and discussion based classes, good at asking students questions about their thoughts to really make them think about how they've drawn their conclusions. Incredibly friendly and approachable outside of class, easy t go to with questions about the course content. Probably my favorite professor on campus."

Anyway, about the blog

E.A. – "Dr. Karra's newsletter is one that I'm always happy to see in my inbox. If you like analysis of poems and philosophy (and some current events) written with insight and compassion, I definitely recommend it."

E.A. -- Dr. Karra's newsletter is one that I'm always happy to see in my inbox. If you like analysis of poems and philosophy (and some current events) written with insight and compassion, I definitely recommend it.

E.J. Christy – "I don't think any of his [Ashok's] posts have ever made me feel anything but hopeful."

Kyla Houbolt — "I don't read many blogs or newsletters but Ashok Karra's "Encouragement" is one I read most days and miss if it doesn't show. Each post has introductory "shorts" in addition to the main topic, which are always intriguing. One thing I really enjoy is the exploration of poems from a perspective of philosophical inquiry. Ashok has treated a few of my poems this way and while I never write them to explicate ideas, I am delighted when they do that for a reader, and when a reader is able to share those thoughts skillfully, it's a real treat. I definitely recommend this newsletter."

Ariana B. (excerpted from Facebook) — "...an amazing writer with great insights and contributions towards poetry & philosophy commentary, whom always manages to make you THINK about what is being presented and highlighted, and always (but always) brings to the surface a contemporary view very relevant to today's people (be you american or not!)."